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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19928
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: Nick

Member#: 218
Registered: 11-05-2003
Diary Entries: 42

Mood: don't like winter.....too dark
3rd June 2003
Windsurfing: Aberdovey
Wind Direction: SE
Wind Stength: 4-6
Surf / Sea State: Rapids!
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Fourth day in Aberdovey and finally got a sail.

Fresh south easterly wind working with rapidly outgoing tide rang a few alarm bells - didn't want to get blown out to sea on my first sail here. Difficult to stand up at waist height due to strong currents - and I was worried they'd be even stronger in the centre of the channel.

Rigged an 8m sail and after one overpowered run across the channel and back quickly realised it was too much. Rapids (weel that's what they looked like to me)on the Ynyslas side of the centre of the channel where the outgoing tide met the waves made it a very bumpy/unpleasant ride at planning speeds.

Came back in and rigged a 6.8 with loads of downhaul. Had more control but wind and tide working together made one tack and the other a real slog upwind & against the tide.

Could have been excellent had the tide been coming in instead of out, or the wind with a bit of west in it.

Toys Used:
Bic Techno 283
Tushingham Hecklar 8.0
Arrows Burner 6.8
Gun Terminator 100% 490
Neil Pryde CK35 450 (cut down 460!)



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